Welcome to my blog!!! I have been an herbalist & an aromatherapist for over 20 years!! My blog is over 10 years old & there are over 150 informative blogs. Not only do I have hopes of teaching the masses, I too, have learned a lot during my research on different topics! There's always new & updated information in the herbal & essential oil worlds. There are blogs on herbs, essential oils, nutrition, supplements, different modalities of healing and just a little bit of everything!! Maybe in reading my blogs, just one person will come away with a bit of knowledge that they might be able to help themselves or another human being, I would consider that to be a great blessing.....

Over the years I have had several businesses. It seems I can't get away from seeing if a certain herb or essential oil can help a fellow human and that's usually how it starts. I am now in Arizona and I was asked again if I would be interested in starting another herbal business!! We now have Herbs 4 Health!! Providing numerous herbs....herbal blends....single essential oils...essential oil blends....minerals....tinctures all to help the body to heal itself.

The information in these blogs is not meant in any way shape or form to plagiarize, for I have never said this is all MY work. It is a compilation of reputable informative websites, my 'go to' books I have always depended upon & my own knowledge. I gather & put together information to help people learn & this way they can come back here to help remind themselves of said information instead of 'where oh where' did I find that on the world wide web. Seems to me it's just better & easier.

DISCLAIMER: All the information in these blogs do not diagnose, treat or heal any type illness or disease.

Monday, July 27, 2020

The Ins & Outs of Canola Oil

Are you on the fence as to weather canola oil is full of the healthful benefits they are saying?? Some say it's poison & contains the same substance as the warfare agent mustard gas, is responsible for most maladies from mad cow to blindness. Then again, some say it's one of the healthiest foods around as it contains high levels of omega 3's, low in saturated fat & excellent source of oleic acid.
It's the 3rd most produced vegetable oil. Canola meal is one of the most common protein meals on the planet, 2nd only to soy.

First off, there's no such thing as canola meal. The canola plant doesn't actually exist! It's derived from the rapeseed plant which is a member of the mustard family. Researchers found out how to chemically engineer it to meet the FDA standards for human consumption. Rapeseed has significant health risks due to high levels of erucic acid, a monosaturated omega 9. It's found in soaps, lipstick, lip gloss, printer ink, biofuels, insecticides and more!

When it's finally broken down, it's one of the largest contributors to the omega 3 & omega 6 imbalances. The ration of omega 6 to omega 3 should actually be like a 20:1 ratio. That imbalance can cause inflammation, chronic diseases & auto-immune diseases.

It's a GMO & a Canadian invention backed by the Canadian government. It's cheap to produce. Many packaged or process foods contain it. In 1998 the most disease & drought resistant canola variety to date was developed using genetic modification.

A type of vegetable oil, the canola plant was derived from the rapeseed's seeds in order to produce a food grade oil with lower erucic acids. End result is a high omega 6 fat content. Eurcic acid has been linked to heart damage and found in rapeseed & mustard oils. The oil is made by refining, bleaching & deoderizing. A solvent called hexane chemically extracts the oil from seeds.

Over 90% is grown in the U.S. & is genetically modified. It's the 2nd largest oil crop in the world. Aside from small amounts of Vit. E & K, it's devoid of vitamins & minerals. They use high amounts of it to make canola butter which the public thinks is more healthy than regular butter, but it isn't.

Health hazards include increased inflammation, impact on memory & heart health. It's just not a healthy oil to be consuming. There are many other healthy oils out there such as avocado, coconut, olive, ghee, butter, flaxseed, hemp seed & red palm (certified sustainable). 

Echinacea Facts!

So it was bound to happen eventually where I do a blog on the infamous echinacea. There are many more herbs like it out there to help with the same issues....why do people consistantly go to this one herb??? In my research I found there was much more to it than I ever suspected.

Echinacea belongs to the daisy family. There are 9 species of it, but only 3 are used herbally. It's commonly known as the purple coneflower. It has been widely used in natural medicine for over 400 years & widely used by the  medical community. It lost most of it's usefulness after antibiotics caused a massive shift in the medical world.

Several of echinacea's chemical constituents include essential oils, Vit. C, inulin, flavanoids & polysaccharides (which trigger immune functions). Research has found that the above ground parts contains most of the plant's health benefits. The German government approved the plant's above ground parts for treatment in upper respiratory infections, colds, UTI's & slow healing wounds.

High in antioxidants such as cichoric acid & rosmarinic acid which help to defend against oxidative stress that can lead to disease.

Benefits of Echinacea:
*Boosts immune system
*Combats viruses
*Fights infections including malaria, typhoid & syphilis
*Supports upper respiratory issues such as TB, whooping cough, strep, croup, colds, diptheria
*Aids in mental health, taken in small doses
*Relieves pain -- headaches, toothache, sore throats & more
*Fights inflammation
*Great for stomach & overall gut health
*Helps to treat skin issues
*Cancer fighter, according to a report from NIH

Now, according to research, echinacea works better once symptoms have appeared & it's not to be taken as a preventative. One should only take it up to 10 days, then take a break from it before continuing. Be careful of imitations as there are many out there, unfortunately. Apparently there are products out there that say they contain echinacea & they don't contain any!! The extracts you see everywhere are essentially tinctures, so don't let that fool you either. It's safe & well tolerated for short term use. Use caution against taking too much. Do not use it for seasonal allergies. Use extreme caution against injecting it!

As I've been saying all along, do not take it on a consistent basis. I was not aware though about all the imitations & trickery involved. Again, do your research, ask questions, be aware!!!

Monday, July 13, 2020


Despite their similare molecular structures, the 2 main compounds in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) & cannabidiol (CBD) have very different effects on the human body. THC is an active ingredient in marijuana that makes you high. It binds to CB1 receptors in the brain to create a euphoric effect.

CBD on the other hand is non-psychoactive which means it won't give you a high. It has little affinity for binding with the CB1 or CB2 receptors & can actually hinder THC's effects when combined. Instead, CBD can activate other receptors such as serotonin & is more often sought out for its potential medicinal benefits, such as pain & anxiety.

Not all studies are created equal, but many have found that cannabinoids can help with specific disorders & diseases. Here are some health issues that CBD & THC can be help.

*AIDS: THC increases appetite and helps with weight gain.
*Alzheimers type Dementia: Studies show THC helps with behavior symptoms.
*Anxiety & Panic Disorders: CBD reduces symptoms.
*Cancer: THC & CBD combination reduces chemo-related nausea and vomiting, manages pain and stimulates appetite.
*Digestion Complications: THC helps improve symptoms of IBS.
*Epilepsy: CBD reduces convulsions.
*Heart Function: THC & CBD combination relaxes some arteries.
*Immune System Complications: THC & CBD combination can alter the growth & function of certain immune cells.
*Inflammation: All of the most common cannabinoids relieve swelling.
*Multiple Sclerosis: THC alleviates MS-related pain. THC & CBD combination reduces muscle spasms.
*Pain: Most of the common cannabinoids relieve pain.
*Parkinson's Disease: CBD alleviates psychotic symptoms and some issues with motor control.
*Schizophrenia: CBD can reduce psychotic symptoms.
*Sleep Disorders: THC improves sleep quality & quantity for some. CBD can increase alertness in some.

Information taken from discoverymagazine.com

Monday, June 29, 2020

Myrrh....The Ancient Resin

Myrrh is an ancient exotic reddish brown resin from the sap of the African & Mid-East thorny tree "commiphora myrrha". Not only the Magi, but the Egyptians used it in their mummification processes because it slowed down decay. It's used in medicine in China & in Jewish religious practices, it's still used today by many. The tree still stands today where the Hebrew & Egyptian peoples walked & are still sharing that awesome healing resin in today's modern day society. Myrrh is Arabic for the word " bitter".

Did you know they burned myrrh with frankincense in biblical times to help purify the air & prevent spread of contagious disease, including ones caused by bacteria??? It is botanically related to the lovely frankincense.

Myrrh is loaded with healing terpenoids which have a reputation as potent healers which even protect the tree from oxidative stress.

Every day science uncovers more of myrrh's potential healing capabilities. It's properties include: antiseptic, anesthetic, anti-tumor, anti-parasitic, anti-oxidant, wound healing & anti-microbial. It's good for oral health, skin infections, inflammation, intestinal health, pain relief, stimulates the immune system, athlete's foot, protects the liver, helps with low thyroid & digestive issues. It can help to calm & relax the mind. There is ongoing research that it fights cancer & in low dilution, myrrh can treat lyme disease as well.

Always dilute before applying to the skin. Do not swallow when using for oral health issues. Avoid if pregnant. Do not take internally. Myrrh may interact with anti-coagulants, may lower blood sugar & blood pressure as well. Be cautious when using it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Bee Pollen....Powerful Stuff

The mighty bee pollen from our little friends the bees!! Those little guys know what they are doing as bee pollen contains almost all the nutrients the body needs to thrive. It's so healthy for us, the German Federal Board of Health has officially recognized it as a medicine!!!

It's great for natural allergy relief. It contains detoxifying properties. Bee pollen is responsible for the many health benefits of raw honey. It's rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids, enzymes, cartenoids & bio-flavanoids. It's anti bacterial, anti fungal & anti viral. This pollen can help strengthens capillaries, reduces inflammation, contains antioxidants, stimulates the immune system & can help to lower cholesterol. It contains more protein than any other animal source. Bee pollen contains about 250 substances including amino acids, lipids, macro & micro nutrients.

It's composed of:
30% digestible carbs
26% sugars (mainly fructose & glucose)
23% proteins which includes 10% of the essential amino acids
5% lipids, including essential fatty acids
2% phenolic compounds
1.6% minerals which include: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, maganese, silicon & selenium
.6% water soluble vitamins & acids
.1% fat soluble vitamins

Bee pollen can also help protect against liver toxicity, relieve menopausal symptoms, relieve stress, promotes healing especially in burns & it contains anti microbial properties.

Get your bee pollen from reputable sources, free from pesticides & chemicals. Mix it in yogurt, cottage cheese, cereal & baked goods. Add it to smoothies, fruit & veggie juices. If you add it to warm water & let soak 2-3 hours, they crack & release their nutritional value.

If you are allergic to bees, honey, etc. don't ingest it. Avoid if pregnant or on blood thinners.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

A Fungus Among Us!!

Fungal infections are becoming more common. What could be the reason for the spreading of candida??? Acidic system in the bodies caused by processed foods & the over use of sugars. Antibiotic use. Diabetes. Compromised immune system (HIV, cancer, etc.) When the immune system gets compromised or your body's environment changes, your body changes to favor fungal growth.

Bottom line: eat as healthy as possible & stay away from junk food.

Here are some essential oils that can help with fungal issues:
1) Tea Tree
2) Lavender
3) Thyme
4) Peppermint
5) Geranium
6) Black Pepper
7) Cinnamon Bark
8) Citronella
9) Clove
10) Eucalyptus

Most times you can make a blend in a carrier oil to apply to the body. Very few of these can be taken internally. Although I'm against that, it can prove useful, but be very, very cautious & consult a professional aromatherapist for guidance.

Bitters...A Digestive Aid

Bitters....ever heard of them?? They have been around for a millenia.

What do they do? They can ease indigestion, heartburn, nausea, cramping, bloating & gas. They stimulate the digestive process, promote better absorption of nutrients & stimulate natural detoxification. They help to activate gastric juices, bile & digestive enzymes. They can help lower blood sugar levels, have a positive effect on stress & help to curb sugar cravings.

They contain inulin, a prebiotic starch which plays an important role in gut health. Inulin stimulates the production of insulin from the pancreas.

Bitters can counter brain receptors that drive us to consume sweets. Studies show that inulin improves the metabolism of carbs & therefore helps control blood sugar. They can reduce food sensitivities, leaky gut syndrome, autoimmune reactions & can promote healthy bowel regularity. Bitters stimulate appetite, release digestive enzymes from the pancreas, duodenum & the liver. They are proven to regulate secretion of the pancreatic hormones that help to regulate the body's blood sugar, insulin & glucagon levels. They can also help in repairing tears in the gut wall.

So here's a list I've compiled of herbs & foods that contain bitters....ready??!!!
Milk Thistle
Artichoke Leaf
Burdock Root
Gentian Root
Chicory root

Just adding these to your daily routine can help with digestion, because they contain bitters!!! Adding ginger to a few of these, can help speed up the emptying of the stomach. If you add cinnamon, it can also lower the levels of blood sugars. Now chicory root....is of the dandelion family & is a good coffee substitute.

Pregnant women or those with ulcers should avoid bitters.

Virus vs Bacteria

Do you know the difference?? I wasn't sure, but in doing a bit of research, I came upon some good information.

There are very few treatments, allopathic or natural, that can kill a virus outright. A virus is a mico organism that attaches to living cells and in replicating, spreads through the body. Smaller than bacteria, it can be just as dangerous.

Often more difficult to treat than bacteria. A virus lives inside a normal cell. Killing the virus often leads to damage to the host cell. They also can mutate, making them invulnerable to treatments that might have previously worked.

Viruses are tiny bits of nucleic acids that contain information & use our body's cells to create more copies of themselves. Smart little dudes ain't they??? They rely on a host to survive. Usually a virus must run it's course.

Bacteria, on the other hand is it's own living organism capable of growing & spreading on it's own. It also causes infection.

An antimicrobial is an agent that kills microorganisms or stops their growth. Antimicrobial medicines can be grouped according to the microorganisms they act primarily against. For example, anti-biotics are used against bacteria & anti-fungal are used against fungi.

So anti-virals can kill viruses? Anti-bacterials can kill bacterial infection? Makes sense to me!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Scrumptious Spud....

The entire potato, inside & out is valuable & beneficial for your health, believe it or not! This plant draws some of the highest concentration of macro & trace minerals from the earth. Potatoes are also high in potassium, rich in Vit. B6, copper, Vit. C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin & pantothenic acid.  They are also excellent sources of amino acids, that specifically inhibit viral growth. They also contain lysine in its bio active form. Lysine is a powerful weapon against cancers, inflammation & viruses such as Epstein-Barr & shingles which are behind rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, autoimmune disease & more.

Potatoes are high in glucose that provides substance to the liver, as it's precisely what the liver relies on to keep it strong. It also helps build up glycogen storage, the very resource that protects us against blood sugar problems, weight gain & a fatty liver.

Potatoes can be your allies if you are looking to fight chronic illness, fend off liver disease, strengthen your kidneys, soothe your nerves & digestive tract, reverse Chron's, colitis, IBS or peptic ulcers.

They are a great natural source of soluble & insoluble fiber. They contain a variety of phytonutrients that have an antioxidant activity. Other health improving compounds include carotenoids, flavonoids & caffeic acids. They also have been known to lower blood pressure.

So see, there's tons of reasons to eat these lovely little dudes LOL. The potatoes themselves are very healthy, it's what we put on them that can be bad for us....oh no!!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Lovely Little Rose Hips.....

The fruit of the rose plant we all know & love is called a rose hip. It's that little 'bulb' right under the flower. Not all the flowers produce the hips though. It is heavily researched today for it's amazing benefits. Just 1 cup of rose hip tea provides the body with more than 600% of your daily Vitamin C!! But keep in mind as they dry it, some of that Vit. C dissipates, but then again what about the other Vit. C supplements that are dried???? hmmmmm makes one wonder, eh??? So even though it's Vit. C benefits do go down a bit with it being dried & making a tea, I think it's still worthwhile to drink it!

Rose hips contain beta carotene, manganese, Vit. K & E, flavanoids, B complex, iron, calcium, selenium, Mg, sulfur, zinc, polyphenol compounds, lycopene & loaded with antioxidants. That's a whole lot of goodness, huh???

They have astringent qualities. They are a nutritive. They are a diuretic. They are loaded with flavanoids. They are anti-inflammatory.

Rose hips can help relieve RA, respiratory conditions, help fight cancer, boost the immune system, helps to lower cholesterol, helps with arthritis, helps to regulates digestion, helps to build stronger bones. They can also help with heart health & purifies the blood!

They are not recommended for diabetics, pregnant or breastfeeding women. Iron related or bleeding conditions. It might interact with blood thinners. So just be cautious & be aware.