Welcome to my blog!!! I have been an herbalist & an aromatherapist for over 20 years!! My blog is over 10 years old & there are over 150 informative blogs. Not only do I have hopes of teaching the masses, I too, have learned a lot during my research on different topics! There's always new & updated information in the herbal & essential oil worlds. There are blogs on herbs, essential oils, nutrition, supplements, different modalities of healing and just a little bit of everything!! Maybe in reading my blogs, just one person will come away with a bit of knowledge that they might be able to help themselves or another human being, I would consider that to be a great blessing.....

Over the years I have had several businesses. It seems I can't get away from seeing if a certain herb or essential oil can help a fellow human and that's usually how it starts. I am now in Arizona and I was asked again if I would be interested in starting another herbal business!! We now have Herbs 4 Health!! Providing numerous herbs....herbal blends....single essential oils...essential oil blends....minerals....tinctures all to help the body to heal itself.

The information in these blogs is not meant in any way shape or form to plagiarize, for I have never said this is all MY work. It is a compilation of reputable informative websites, my 'go to' books I have always depended upon & my own knowledge. I gather & put together information to help people learn & this way they can come back here to help remind themselves of said information instead of 'where oh where' did I find that on the world wide web. Seems to me it's just better & easier.

DISCLAIMER: All the information in these blogs do not diagnose, treat or heal any type illness or disease.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Cholesterol - Bad, Good, What??

Cholesterol is a waxy substance, or a lipid, made by your liver but it also comes from the animal foods (meat, dairy, poultry) you eat. It's not inherently bad & your body needs it to build cells, Vit. D & certain hormones. Those foods are also high in saturated & trans fats & those foods can cause the liver to make an excess of cholesterol. So it's that added production of it that can cause a health issue as can smoking, kidney disease, diabetes, genetics, inactivity & hypothyroidism.

Cholesterol does not dissolve in water. To help it move through the blood, the liver makes lipoproteins. These are made from fat & protein. Many don't even realize these are issues until they develop serious complications, which is why you should have it checked & get a routine cholesterol screening.

So all that being said...why is it important?? Well it circulates in the blood. So as it increases in the blood, so does the health risk. There are 2 types of cholesterol LDL (low density lipoproteins) the bad kind & HDL (high density lipoproteins) the good kind. This cholesterol, along with other substances can form a thick, hard deposit on the inside of the arteries also called plaque & causes them to be less flexible, which is called arteriosclerosis. If a clot forms & blocks one of these narrowed arteries, the result could be heart attack or stroke.

The HDL helps return the LDL back to your liver to be removed from your body. This helps to prevent it from building up in your arteries.

There are several types of statins that one can take which can have negative side effects. There are also other mediations they can give you that can have bad side effects.

There are diet, lifestyle changes you can make too along with certain supplements & foods that can help lower your cholesterol levels. For example: garlic, hawthorn, astragalus, red yeast rice, psyllium, ground flaxseeds, rosemary, turmeric, ginger, holy basil, yarrow, artichoke leaf extract, fenugreek seeds & leaves. 

Concerning one's diet: limit foods that are high in cholesterol, saturated fats, trans fats. Chose lean protein such as chicken, beef, fish & legumes. Eat a wide variety of fruits, veggies & whole grains. Choose baked, broiled, steamed, grilled or roasted foods instead of fried foods. Avoid fast food & high sugared pre-packaged food whenever possible.

According to Harvard Health, these foods can help to lower cholesterol. Whole grains such as oats, barley, oat bran, beans, eggplant, okra, almonds & other assorted nuts, fruits, fatty fish that are loaded with omega 3's  & of course lots of fiber.

So, in conclusion, on can make dramatic changes to their lifestyle & possibly make great improvements to their cholesterol levels. The answer isn't always in prescriptions.

Flower Essences...Know What They Are???

Flower therapy, essence therapy, flower essences, flower remedies are all the names given to this alternative therapy that is based on the idea that flowers contain a healing vibrational energy. Not to be confused with aromatherapy which is all about essential oils. It's a form of herbal medicine, but it's actually in the homeopathic line.

This whole system was developed in the 1930's by Edward Bach who was a British physician. According to him, the energy of flowers can balance one's emotions which can bring about mental, physical & spiritual wellness. They may also help with anxiety, pain, immunity, depression & types of psychological disorders. 

It's fairly simple to make these essences. The flowers are submerged in natural spring water. The water is then boiled or placed in the sun with the belief the sun helps to extract the energy of the flowers...or adds to it? The water is then filtered & preserved with brandy. The finished product contains no flowers. One can add crystals to them as well. They can also be made without alcohol.

Even though 'they' say there is no scientific evidence these essences work, they come in several types. Pastilles, gum, liquid melts, lozenges, fizzy tablets, sprays & dropper bottles. There are also skin creams & bath salts available. 

There are flower essence therapists & practitioners that can provide these floral essences as well as a wide range of providers including massage therapists, naturopathic doctors, holistic nurses, acupuncturists, reiki practitioners & the like. 

You may have heard of one of the most popular ones called "Rescue Remedy".

They are safe for everyone including children, pets, pregnant women, the elderly & of course plants!

Ginger Essential Oil...

Ginger essential oil is also known as 'the oil of empowerment'. It's a flowering plant and belongs to the family Zingiberaceae which is the same family as cardamon & turmeric. It's been used in folk medicine for thousands of years.

It's a warming essential oil & actually the essential oil is better than the fresh or dried root because it contains the highest levels of gingerol, which is it's 'magical' ability to improve health so much. The sesquiterpenes, which make up approximately 90% of the e.o. have antibacterial & anti-inflammatory properties.

It has enormous health benefits....are you ready??? Pain relief, muscle aches, arthritis, migraines, headaches, anxiety, nervousness, depression, fatigue, nausea, aids digestion, menstrual disorders, it's a stimulant, tonic, laxative, antiseptic, helps with respiratory conditions, an expectorant, reduces cholesterol & blood clotting, antioxidant & can improve liver functions.

Pregnant women or breast feeding mothers consult with your physician. Do not give to children under 2. If you are on blood thinners, have blood pressure issues or sugar imbalances, consult your physician.

Saw Palmetto -- For Men's Health

Serenoa repens is Latin for Saw Palmetto which is a type of palm native to the SE. U.S. The berries from this palm are commonly used for men's health, specifically for prostate health, balancing hormones & helping with hair loss. It's loaded with antioxidants & is an anti-inflammatory.

Hair loss is common in men & can be caused by a variety of factors. Genetics, hormone changes, certain medical conditions & certain medication such as blood thinners & stimulants. 

Studies indicate saw palmetto may help to block the activity of the enzyme which converts testosterone into another sex hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone) that is linked to hair loss. It also helps to regulate the testosterone levels by decreasing this enzyme. Because this DHT is also involved in the enlargement of the prostate, in decreasing this DHT level, it can also improve prostate health & BPH.

Saw palmetto can help to improve urinary function associated with BPH or benign prostate hyperplasia. This condition causes an enlargement of the prostate gland which can decrease urine flow. BPH can be cause by hormonal changes, deteriorating blood vessels & a zinc deficiency.

This berry can help with prostate health as well. The prostate is a small gland between the bladder & the penis. It's responsible for maintaining sperm health. Research shows saw palmetto can help support prostate health & can help to prevent BPH & prostate cancer, along with urinary symptoms &  inflammation related to BPH.

Benefits also include treating colds, coughs, sore throat, asthma, chronic bronchitis, migraines, increases urine flow, promotes relaxation & enhances sexual drive. A natural remedy for impotence. 

Active ingredients in these berries contain fatty acids, plant sterols, flavonoids & polysaccharides which can reduce inflammation & help to strengthen the immune system. It inhibits testosterone from binding to & stimulating prostate cells, which can reduce a surplus of prostatic cells & reduce prostate enlargement. It can also help to destroy cancer cells.

In the elderly or women, saw palmetto also strengthens urinary organs & can be a natural remedy for kidney stones.

Those taking blood thinners, pregnant or nursing, have underlying health conditions be sure to consult a physician before starting on saw palmetto. Some side effects could be headaches, dizziness, nausea or constipation.