Welcome to my blog!!! I have been an herbalist & an aromatherapist for over 20 years!! My blog is over 10 years old & there are over 150 informative blogs. Not only do I have hopes of teaching the masses, I too, have learned a lot during my research on different topics! There's always new & updated information in the herbal & essential oil worlds. There are blogs on herbs, essential oils, nutrition, supplements, different modalities of healing and just a little bit of everything!! Maybe in reading my blogs, just one person will come away with a bit of knowledge that they might be able to help themselves or another human being, I would consider that to be a great blessing.....

Over the years I have had several businesses. It seems I can't get away from seeing if a certain herb or essential oil can help a fellow human and that's usually how it starts. I am now in Arizona and I was asked again if I would be interested in starting another herbal business!! We now have Herbs 4 Health!! Providing numerous herbs....herbal blends....single essential oils...essential oil blends....minerals....tinctures all to help the body to heal itself.

The information in these blogs is not meant in any way shape or form to plagiarize, for I have never said this is all MY work. It is a compilation of reputable informative websites, my 'go to' books I have always depended upon & my own knowledge. I gather & put together information to help people learn & this way they can come back here to help remind themselves of said information instead of 'where oh where' did I find that on the world wide web. Seems to me it's just better & easier.

DISCLAIMER: All the information in these blogs do not diagnose, treat or heal any type illness or disease.

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Minerals Sulfur, Tin, Vanadium & Zinc....

Sulfur is known as a healing mineral. It aids every cell in the elimination of toxic substances. Sulfur is the flexible bond that connects cells and is the lubricant found between joints. A deficiency of water-soluble sulfur can lead to a variety of conditions. It is believed that sulfur can repair the myelin sheath which is the protector on the end of every nerve in the body. Damage to the myelin sheath causes the shaking condition in palsy, MS, lorenzo's disease & many other conditions where motor functions are uncontrollable. Chronic or severe allergies to materials such as dust, pollen, wool, animal hair, feathers, etc. with symptoms ranging from respiratory congestion to inflammation, itching and general discomfort can be relieved with sulfur. It increases blood circulation, reduces back pain, takes care of free radicals, beautifies the skin, relieves allergies to food, controls acidity in stomach ulcers, its important for carbohydrate metabolism and speeds wound healing. Sulfur is stored in the brain, nerves, bowel & liver and in all body cells, especially the skin, hair & nails.

Indications of insufficient sulfur may be: arthritis, infection, asthma, migraines, acne, muscle pain, back pain, nerve disorders, constipation, stress, circulatory problems, skin disorders, dry skin, urinary tract disorders, free radical damage, muscle & skeletal disorders, inflammation & wrinkles.

Tin is concentrated primarily in the adrenal glands, but is also found in the liver, brain, spleen & thyroid. It's found in the tissue and has many chemical and physical properties similar to those of carbon, silica, germanium & lead. Tin has been implicated in hair loss & hearing loss. Little is still known about the functions for tin in humans.

Indications of insufficient tin may be: hair loss, male pattern baldness & unexplained hearing loss.

Vanadium regulates the circulatory system, helps reduce cholesterol levels & buildup in the central nervous system, lowers elevated blood sugar & is believed to help reduce the incidence of heart attack. When used in combination with chromium it is found to be very beneficial in dealing with those mineral deficiencies found in diabetics and hypoglycemics.

Indications of insufficient vanadium may be: cardiovascular disease, infertility, diabetes, metabolic dysfunction, high cholesterol, obesity, hyperinsulinism, pancreatic dysfunction & hypoglycemia.

Zinc deficiency is common due to depletion of our soil & losses associated with food processing. Zinc aids in: the proper assimilation of vitamins, normal growth & development, maintenance of body tissues, sexual function, immune system, chemical detoxification, synthesis of DNA & helps reduce healing time both before & after surgery. It is an anti-oxidant and must be in proper balance to assist some 25 enzymes in various functions involving digestion, metabolism & reproduction. In the 1800's surgeons used zinc as an antiseptic/antibiotic after surgery & it was noted for its healing properties. Lack of zinc in pregnant women can result in numerous birth defects such as: down's syndrome, cleft lip, spina bifida, clubbed limbs, hiatal hernia & umbilical hernias. Zinc is anti-bacterial, anti-viral & is found in all the body fluids, including the moisture in the eyes, lungs, nose, urine & saliva. Because zinc moves through all the fluids in the body, it creates a defense against infection-causing bacteria and viruses trying to enter the body & stops bacterial and viral replication. Zinc is stored in the thyroid, pancreas, liver, kidneys, bones, voluntary muscles, prostate, sperm, skin, hair,  nails, white blood corpuscles & parts of the eyes.

Indications of insufficient zinc may be: angina, herpes, alzheimer's, hypertension, anemia, hair loss, anthrax, infertility, alcoholism, infection, acne, anorexia & bulimia, loss of smell and taste, body odor, miscarriages, birth defects, obesity, cavities, pms, crohn's, still births, libido issues, depression, thyroid disorders, diabetes, urinary tract, infections, eye disease & free radical damage.

The Minerals Silicon, Silver & Sodium

Silicon is essential in the formation of bone & joint cartilage and in the health of nerve tissue. But silicon levels tend to decline a we get older. A long overlooked fact is that silicon reduces the accumulation of aluminum as researchers have established. When researchers added silicon to aluminum-laced water supplies, the silicon prevented the aluminum from being absorbed. Silicon also caused an increase in the excretion of aluminum in the urine & lowered the aluminum concentrations in the brain, liver, bone, spleen & kidneys. It has been shown to play a very important part in the maintenance of energy. It is a known fact that if one mineral is low, many more in the body are also low!

Indications of  insufficient selenium may be: decreased energy, mental confusion, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, dry hair, dry skin, weak-thin-brittle nails, weak bone structure, nervousness, sweaty odorus feet, diabetes, hair loss, sties on the eyelids, flabby skin, arthritis or atherosclerosis.

Silver is necessary for the immune system to function as it should. Silver has been used for thousands of years for health care. It is believed that silver is a systemic disinfectant and works like a secondary immune system. Since silver kills only bacteria that is anaerobic or nitrogen breathing, the friendly bacteria in the digestive tract are immune to it due to the fact that they are oxygen breathing (aerobic) Silver can also neutralize sodium flouride poisoning. Silver, in the ionic form, is known to kill more than 640 bacterial, fungal & viral infections. When man began to manufacture antibiotics, clinical uses for silver as an antibiotic were discarded when the pharmaceutical industry came on the scene and took over medicine with their chemical drugs. Happily silver is now being discovered as the healthiest antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal treatment as well as immune strenghtener because it is a non-mutating antibiotic.

Indications of insufficient silver may be: anthrax, gonorrhea, athlete's foot, impetigo, boils, infection, candida, influenza, cerebral-spinal meningitis, intestinal trouble, colitis, cystitis, ringworm, dermatitis, shingles, diphtheria, staphylococci, diplococcus, tuberculosis, dysentery, warts, e. coli & whooping cough.

Sodium regulates fluid balance by controlling the flow of liquids in and out of each cell, sparks nerve impulses, helps the body to process and digest proteins & carbohydrates. Sodium chloride is essential for life. Most people think of table salt as sodium chloride when in reality -- in the processing of today's common table salt -- sodium chloride is processed out and all that's left are toxic chemicals. Hence the reason your doctor, without understanding sodium chloride, might tell you to stop salt intake. Sea salt, when processed properly contains sodium chloride. Sodium & chloride are principal in the fluids outside of cells which includes blood plasma. As such, they play critical roles in a number of life-sustaining processes of the body! Absorption of sodium in the small intestine plays an important role in the absorption of chloride, amino acids, glucose & water. Chloride is also an essential component of gastric juice, which aids the digestion and absorption of many nutrients.

Indications of insufficient sodium & an imbalance between sodium chloride & potassium are: electrolyte imbalances usually caused by dehydration, gastric cancer, ulcers, gastric esophageal problems (GERD), IBS, nerve weakness, inability to think rationally, senility, osteoporosis, kidney stones, hypertension (high blood pressure), cardiovascular disease, lack of energy, muscle weakness or muscle pain.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Minerals Potassium & Selenium....

Potassium is called the "alkalizer". It neutralizes acids and restores alkaline salts to the blood stream. Again...a mineral that requires other minerals to be effective. Potassium works with sodium in all cells including nerve synapses to maintain or restore membrance function and assist in metabolic processes. Potassium is critical to cardiovascular and nerve function, regulating the transfer of nutrients into cells and facilitating muscle energy. It also regulates water balance, assists recuperative powers, aids in detoxing acids to leave the joins so stiffness eases. It's vital for the elimination of wastes, is a natural pain desensitizer, helps control convulsions, headaches & migraines, promotes faster healing of cuts, bruises and other injuries and generally contributes to a sense of well being. Potassium is stored in the muscles.

Indications of insufficient potassium may be: bad circulation, insomnia, bluish tint to skin, intestinal pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, muscle weakness, diabetes, oppressive breathing, earaches, pain in the eyes, edema, prolapsed uterus, headaches, swollen glands, heart palpitations, heart attacks, tissue anemia, hypertension & water retention.

A major essential trace mineral that works with vitamin E in metabolic functions. It promotes normal body growth, enhances fertility, encourages tissue elasticity and is a potent antioxidant that naturally reduces the retention of toxic metals in the body. Selenium is crucial for the proper functioning of the heart muscle and there is evidence that it can help the body fight cancer. The people of Norfolk, England are said to be among some of the longest-lived & scientists attribute that to the high concentrations of selenium in the soils. A low level of selenium has long been associated with higher cancer rates. Selenium is stored in muscle and other tissues, as well as in the liver & kidneys. It also enhances the effectivenes of vitamin E & this info has been known since 1957!

Indications of insufficient selenium may be: age spots, prostate cancer, liver spots, immune deficiencies, alzheimer's, infertility, anemia, multiple sclerosis, cancer, muscular dystrophy, cardiomyopathy, muscular weakness, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatic atrophy, cystic fibrosis, pancreatitis, fatigue, parkinson's, fibromyalgia, premature aging, heart disease, scoliosis, heart palpitations, sickle cell anemia, AIDS, SIDS & hot flashes.

The Minerals Molybdenum & Platinum...

Is a little-known, though essential trace mineral instrumental in regulating pH balance in the body. For each pH point increase (e.g. 6.1-6.2), the oxygen level is increased ten times, thus increasing the metabolism and enhancing the body's ability to burn fat. Although very small amounts are needed, molybdenum is a vital part of three important enzyme systems and is necessary for the proper function of certain enzyme-dependent processes, including the metabolizing of iron. When the iron stored in the liver is freed, it can then carry oxygen to body cells and tissue. Molybdenum works in conjunction with the enzyme systems to help eliminate toxic nitrogen waste by turning it into uric acid. The uric acid then can be converted and more easily flushed oout of the system. It promotoes general well being, aids in carbohydrate metabolism, has proven itself useful in MSG or other chemical sensitivities, increases libido and may enhance the effect of flourine in tooth decay prevention. It also induces sleep! Because of molybdenum's ability to raise the body's pH, it may be beneficial in the treatment of cancer, viruses & parasites. There is no recommended dietary allowance (RDA) establish for this important mineral, but it is considered safe up to 15 mg. per day.
Indications of insufficient molybdenum may be: acne, e. coli, AIDS, eczema, allergies, epstein barr virus, anemia, gout, anthrax, gulf war syndrome, asthma, hepatitis c, athlete's foot, herpes simplex, bell's palsy, impotency, bladder infection, insomnia, cancer, liver damage-cirrhosis, candidiasis, lupus, canker sores, lyme's disease, cavities, multiple sclerosis, obesity, colds/flu, parasites, depression, prostate infection, diabetes & ringworm. 
Platinum is used in the treatment of cancer and as a base in some of the chemotherapeutic treatments in conventional hospitals. In a chemical which is man made, not in it's natural form, it can be toxic &  ineffective. In the early 1970's platinum was used in the dye in x-rays of women's breasts. Breast lumps reportedly began shrinking and even disappeared after use of the dye. Many believed the platinum in the dye was responsible for this. Since then, platinum dye has been replaced with radioactive dyes! Platinum may be effective in killing disease caused by bacteria, fungus, viruses and it can help to boost the immune system.
Indications of insufficient platinum may be: bad circulation, insomnia, bluish tint to skin, intestinal pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, muscle weakness, diabetes, oppressive breathing, earaches, pain in the eyes, edema, prolapsed uterus, headaches, swollen gland, heart palpitations, tissue anemia, hypertension & water rentention.