CBD helps with pain, inflammation and a multitude of health issues. Pain leaves before the inflammation. Inflammation takes more time. There is no regulation on labeling yet. Read your labels, as not all CBD Oils are pure or equal. www.Herbs-4-Health.com has a great CBD Oil!!
There's NO THC in our CBD Oil. CBD Oil is NOT a tincture as tinctures are made with alcohol. The MCT Oil & the isolates are both organic. The MCT oil is liquid coconut oil with one molecule removed so that it stays liquid!! This NEW brand has just a hint of orange or mint in it.
* If heat is too high or too low, an inferior product is obtained & can destroy the isolates.
*It's all about volume vs potency. 1,000 Mg in 2 oz. is like a whiskey while 500 Mg is like a near beer.....that's how it was explained to me. People tend to get confused on this issue.
*CBD suppliers are popping up all over, so know your supplier read your labels!! We are here today & we will be here tomorrow as will our supplier!!
*Full spectrum uses all of the hemp plant & contains much more than just the CBD isolates.
*Our NEW CBD yields 99.9% CBD with NO THC.