Welcome to my blog!!! I have been an herbalist & an aromatherapist for over 20 years!! My blog is over 10 years old & there are over 150 informative blogs. Not only do I have hopes of teaching the masses, I too, have learned a lot during my research on different topics! There's always new & updated information in the herbal & essential oil worlds. There are blogs on herbs, essential oils, nutrition, supplements, different modalities of healing and just a little bit of everything!! Maybe in reading my blogs, just one person will come away with a bit of knowledge that they might be able to help themselves or another human being, I would consider that to be a great blessing.....

Over the years I have had several businesses. It seems I can't get away from seeing if a certain herb or essential oil can help a fellow human and that's usually how it starts. I am now in Arizona and I was asked again if I would be interested in starting another herbal business!! We now have Herbs 4 Health!! Providing numerous herbs....herbal blends....single essential oils...essential oil blends....minerals....tinctures all to help the body to heal itself.

The information in these blogs is not meant in any way shape or form to plagiarize, for I have never said this is all MY work. It is a compilation of reputable informative websites, my 'go to' books I have always depended upon & my own knowledge. I gather & put together information to help people learn & this way they can come back here to help remind themselves of said information instead of 'where oh where' did I find that on the world wide web. Seems to me it's just better & easier.

DISCLAIMER: All the information in these blogs do not diagnose, treat or heal any type illness or disease.

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Minerals Iron, Lithium, Magnesium & Maganese

Iron attracts oxygen and builds blood creating energy in the body. Along with maganese and copper, it is necessary for healthy blood chemistry and is essential for recovery from illness. It is stored in the blood, bone marrow, liver & spleen, with trace amounts in every organ. Iron is one of the most common deficiencies in men as well as women, although women require more iron than men because of their menstrual cycle. Without sufficient iron, the body cannot manufacture enough new hemoglobin, which is the red cell protein that transports oxygen in the blood. Iron helps the body rid itself of carbon dioxide and keeps liver tissue soft. It combines with other nutrients to produce vital blood proteins and is involved in food metabolism, digestion, elimination, circulation and helps regulate blood pressure. Iron needs the help of vit. C to improve iron absorption.

Indications of insufficient iron is: anemia, fatigue/lack of stamina, anorexia, fragile bones, brittle  nails, growth retardation, constipation, hair loss, dizziness, headaches, heart disease, depression, ice eating (pica), dysphasia & unnaturally pale skin.

Lithium is one of the better known and studied trace mineral that is useful in treating alcoholism, manic depression and mental instability. Lithium has been known to have serious side effects.

Indications of insufficient lithium may be: alcoholism, bi-polar/manic depression, mild to severe depression, foggy thinking & mental instability.

Magnesium is a natural tranquilizer & it alone is responsible for over 300 functions in the body. Known as an "anti-stress mineral", it aids in relaxing nerves, relieving tension, assisting digestion, activating enzymes important for protein and carbohydrate metabolism and modulating the electrical impulses across all cell membranes. Magnesium is important in the production and transfer of energy, muscle contraction/relaxation and nerve conduction. It also aids regularity, it's necessary to keep vertebrae in their proper position, induces restful sleep, purifies and purges body tissues (combats acids, toxins, gases, impurities and neutralizes poisons) and lowers fever. It's stored in the bowel, nerves and ligaments. Chlorophyll and green vegetables contain large amounts of magnesium.

Indications of insufficient magnesium may be: asthma, anorexia, migraines, cramps, muscular weakness, convulsions, muscle tremors, heart irregularities, heart attack, calcification of organs, muscle tics, calcification of small arteries, myocardial infarction, depression, neuromuscular problems, ECG changes (skipped or extra beats), PMS, growth failure, vertigo, headaches, wrinkles, kidney stones & heart disease.

Maganese, the "brain mineral" is important in the utilization of all mental functions/facilities. It aids health memory and other brain and nerve impulses. Though only found in trace amounts in the body, good health is impossible without it. It increases resistance and recuperative ability and, like iron, aids in oxygen transfer from lungs to cells. Manganese strengthens tendons, tissues, ligaments and linings in & outside of organs. If the human body is well supplied with manganese, various tissues, cells and nerves are kept elasticized and strong. It makes up part of a molecule which is used to form collagen, the strong fibrous connective material that builds tissue, bone & cartilage. This mesh of collagen is the franework on which calcium, magnesium and other bone hardening minerals are deposited. Deficiency of manganese is prevalent in deafness due to damage of the cartilage of the ear. Manganese has a positive effect on the libido by increasing energy levels and the brain's ability to send and receive messages. It also helps the reproductive organs to work properly because of it's effect on tissues and nerves. Production of sex hormones is aided by manganese. It can help reduce menstrual cramps and pms. Manganese is stored half in the bones and the reminder in the liver, pancreas, pituitary gland and kidneys.

Indications of insufficient manganese may be: carpal tunnel syndrome, multiple sclerosis, deafness, nerve problems, depression, pms, gout, poor muscle co-ordination, hearing problems, heart disease, retarded growth rate, infertility, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), lack of concentration, stiff tendons, loss of libido in both sexes, stuttering, memory loss/mental confusion, tremors, miscarriages or still births.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Minerals Copper, Germanium, Gold & Iodine

Copper is most concentrated in the liver, heart, kidneys, brain, bones & muscles and it's essential in the blood. Trace amounts are present in all body tissues. Without copper, iron cannot be assimilated as they work together in the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Other enzyme activities also require copper. It increases healing by increasing the protein metabolism and improves vitamin C. Low or high copper levels can be found in those with mental & emotional problems. Copper helps rid the body of parasites and is beneficial for graying and thinning hair.

Indications of insufficient copper may be: allergies, kawasaki disease, anemia, liver cirrhosis, aneurysm, osteoporosis, arthritis, oppressed breathing (COPD), dry brittle hair, parasites, edema, parkinson's disease, gulf war syndrome, reduced glucose tolerance, hernias, ruptured disc, high blood cholesterol, skin eruptions or sores, hypo & hyper thyroid, white or gray hair, hair loss/baldness, varicose veins, hearth disease & wrinkled skin.

Germanium is one of the most dynamic new discoveries of trace elements necessary for optimum nutritional health. Germanium increases the level of activity of various organs and helps to detox harmful pollutants and stop germ activity. It posses the ability to act as an electrical semiconductor, helping correct distortions in the areas of the body's electrical fields. Germanium continues to be researched for all its possible supplementary applications.

Indications of insufficient germanium may be: asthma, leukemia, breast cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, neuralgia, cardiac insufficiency, nephritis, hypertension, neurotic disorders, hepatic cirrhosis, softening of brain tissue...it is believed to act as an anti-cancer agent and is effective for viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

Gold promotes and enhances the body's natural defenses against illness and promotes vitality and longevity. Gold has been found to improve glandular function. It helps the body to relax. Some people report that after taking gold for an extended period of time, it raises energy levels. It is also believed that gold helps repair damanged DNA. Gold is effective against joint inflammation and when used with aspirin for arthritis, relieves pain, sometimes given in injectable form for severe arthritis. Gold does not stop the pain, but is believed to have anti-inflammatory effects.

Indications of insufficient gold may be: autoimmune deficiencies, arthritis, gland dysfunction, brain dysfunction, heat flashes, chills, insomnia, cancer, joint inflammation, circulatory disorders, night sweats, depression, obesity, digestive disorders, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), drug/alcohol addiction, neutralizes flouride poisoning.

Iodine is one of the most vital of the biochemical elements. It mainly affects the thyroid, which not only controls many important functions in the body, but also keeps us in a quickened state of health. Iodine restores heat & assists calcium in the repair and building of tissue in the body. Iodine is stored mostly in the thyroid and in smaller amounts in the muscles, skin and bones. The thyroid gland secretes iodine. Hormones produced by the thyroid regulate and control the metabolism of the body, increasing the assimilation of salts. They also control digestion, heart rate, body temperature, nervous system, reproductive system and body weight. Iodine protects the brain by destroying harmful toxins and helps neutralize toxins in the rest of the body. It aids in the assimilation of calcium and silicon. Skin problems such as dry or scaly skin are indicative of an iodine deficiency. An elevated ongoing intake of iodine would be required in order to produce iodine toxicity. Allergic reactions to iodine occur occasionally, manifesting as skin rashes or acne.

Indications of insufficient iodine may be: acne, hyper or hypothyroidism, lethargy, depression, miscarriages, frustration, scaly or dry skin, hair loss, thyroid goiter (tumor), sterility, infertility, hormonal imbalance.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Minerals Boron, Calcium, Chromium & Cobalt...

Plays a part in estrogen's role in building bones by helping convert vitamin D into the active form necessary for the absorption of calcium. Unless your body's imineral content is stable then the 20 min./day sunshine won't be enough for the required vitamin D. Boron is essential to bone metbolism and calcification of bones and helps prevent osteoporosis, arthritis and tooth decay. Boron is necessary for cartilage formation and repair. It affects calcium, magnesium and phosphorus levels. Memory and brain function can be improved with boron. It plays a role in regulating the hormones, especially estrogen, but testosterone as well. A boron deficiency can cause weak and fragile cell walls. Some research shows that boron improves libido. Boron is stored in the parathyroid glands.

Indications of insufficient of boron may be: arthritis, memory loss, brittle bones, muscle pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoporosis, degenerative joint disease, receding gums, hormonal imbalance, weak cartilage and loss of libido.

Calcium is one of the most essential of the major biochemical elements needed in human nutrition. It is necessary for every organ of the body, including the brain. Calcium is called the "knitter" because it promotes healing or knitting everywhere in the body. It is valuable for tone, power, strength, longevity, vitality, endurance, healing of wounds, counteracting acids and help in regulating metabolism. Because it is used in almost every function, calcium is commonly deficient in our diets. It is one of the first elements to go out of balance when the diet is inadequate. Calcium is stored in the blood and teeth, as well as in the nerves, muscles & tissues. Calcium requires other minerals to be effective and do its job. Magnesium and vit. D increase calcium absorption while sodium helps keep calcium in the useable form in the body (it must be water soluble to be useable). Calcium raises the body's resistance to viruses, parasites, bacteria and cancer. A lack of calcium leads to a host of diseases and degenerative conditions. Pure water-soluble calcium serves a two-fold purpose; it can help reverse symptoms caused by the buildup of compounded calcium, like kidney stones, gallstones, arthritis and high cholesterol & helps reverse conditions caused by a deficiency of calcium like acidosis and osteoporosis. A high incidence of cavities or white spots on fingernails indicates a calcium deficiency. This mineral is necessary to regain the proper pH balance and we all know how important that is.

Indications of insufficient of calcium may be: acne, cancer, arthritis, cavities, acidosis, cataracts, ADD, enlarged heart, asthma, fibromyalgia, bell's palsy, gallstones, cramps, high cholesterol, common cold, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome & osteoporosis.

Chromium deficiency is a major factor in the development of heart disease, which includes heart attacks & hardening of the arteries. Chromium is stored principally in the kidneys, spleen and testes, with trace amounts found in the heart, lungs, pancreas and brain. The body cannot easily absorb chromium if other minerals are out of balance as well. Chromium helps the body regulate metabolism and regulate insulin and blood sugar levels. Chromium helps the body lose weight by stimulating enzymes that metabolize glucose for energy. It plays an important role in the liver as it helps the liver burn fat. When the body is deficient in chromium, twice the amount of time is needed for insulin to remove glucose from the blood. Chromium enhances insulin performance and glucose utilization and halpes carry proteins. Chromium works better if taken before meals. Refined sugar causes the body to deplete chromium more rapidly. Strenuous exercise can also deplete chromium levels. The elderly are unable to store as much chromium in the body as are younger people. The refining of starches and carbohydrates robs foods of chromium. If you are American you have less chromium in the soil compared to European soil.

Indications of insufficient of chromium may be: anxiety, hyperinsulinism, ADD, hypoglycemia, aortic cholesterol plaque, hyperactivity, arteriosclerosis, impaired growth, bi-polar disorder/manic depressive illness, infertility, decreased sperm count, coronary blood vessel disease, obesity, depression, pre-diabetes, diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, high blood cholesterol & heart attack.

Cobalt is an essential mineral even though the body only needs a small amount. It is also another mineral that will not functon without sufficient amounts of other minerals in the body.  Cobalt is stored in red blood cells with smaller amounts in the kidney, liver, pancreas and spleen. Research indicates that cobalt helps with the repair of the myelin (protective coating over the nerve) sheath, increases the effectiveness of glucose transport from the blood into body cells and increases the assimilation of iron and the building of red blood cells. Cobalt is an important agent of vit. B-12; it increases the body's ability to absorb it. Cobalt stimulates many enzymes of the body and normalizes the performance of other body cells. Because of it's low absorption rate and high excretion reate, cobalt toxicity is not common, but an excess can lead to enlargement of the thyroid gland.

Indications of insufficient of cobalt may be: digestive disorders, pernicious anemia, fatigue, poor circulation, myelin sheath damage, MS/Multiple Sclerosis, slow growth rate and nerve damage.

Minerals & Their Importance....

Why do you need balanced minerals to stay healthy? How do minerals work to create a healthy body and mind?

The body's organs and brain are made up of electrical currents running from the brain to the rest of the organs of the body. Those electrical currents can only happen with sufficient minerals in your body. You may hear medical personnel referred to minerals as a “chemical” or "chemical imbalance" or "Electrolytes" most often noted in mental illness yet not recognized by conventional medicine as important to the rest of the body. Minerals are necessary for the formation of blood and bone, body fluids, cellular growth and healing, energy, muscle tone, and nerve function. Even though information proving that minerals cannot be found in sufficient quantity in our food stuffs, it is still not being taught to our physicians and health care personnel!

One of the most commonly suffered maladies caused by insufficient minerals is "CHF" (chronic heart failure) Erratic heart beats, as well as other serious diseases or illnesses. Sadly unnecessary heart attacks are occurring in people in their 30's and 40's. One health issue that is diagnosed so often is Fibromyalgia which is pain in soft tissue, joints and muscles - but sadly a huge number are misdiagnosed. So many corrected their so-called FMS with a simple supplementing of balanced minerals every day!
 A hundred years ago a balance of minerals were obtained from the foods people ate, hence a healthier world. No longer possible today even if you eat 100% organic or free range every day!

Today's foods no longer contain near enough minerals to make us healthy. Our body can produce vitamins when given proper foods but that is not the case with minerals, our bodies make vitamins from the minerals we give it. We can only obtain them from our foods, yet we cannot get foods containing the balance our body needs, making supplementing an absolute must!

This list of minerals are only the current recognized minerals and indications of health issue present - when those minerals are not in sufficient quantities. Note that several minerals relate to the same health issues, hence the reason for balanced minerals! We do not yet have all the information on all of the balance of minerals and the trace minerals - just that science knows their names - and in time will add more as studies are released or the discovery of more minerals information becomes available. What they know now should clue in minerals manufacturers that so many supplements are missing and we need many more minerals than they ever thought possible, not 8, 12 or 24 or 32 but a minimum of 74 and preferably 84 total minerals and trace minerals!!

Here is why each and every person over the age of 10 in this day - should be taking sea-based balanced liquid minerals daily! Our soil no longer contains the balance necessary for health therefore our foods (animal or vegetable) does not contain the minerals we need and our bodies cannot make them so the only way to assure that balance is by supplementing!

Taking a supplement made from ground up rock or dirt, which almost all mineral pills are made of, or egg shells like (Oscal) simply is not a balance! The body does not absorb pill/rock minerals and only assimilates about 1% into your system, making it imperative to take in substances that contain the minerals needed for a 99% absorption rate! All nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, sugars, oil, etc., require minerals for activity. All bodily processes depend upon the action of minerals to work properly.

Trace minerals are more important in nutrition than vitamins. Vitamins can be synthesized by living matter - minerals cannot. Vitamins are required for every biochemical activity of the body but, vitamins cannot function unless minerals are present. Minerals are what make enzyme functions possible. Minerals combine with enzymes into an alkaline detoxifying agent that neutralizes the acid metabolic by-products of the cells and other toxic conditions within the body and prepares them for elimination.

Glandular hormonal secretion is dependent upon mineral stimulation, which is insufficient to non-existent without minerals to balance, hence the upsurge of PMS and early menopause in women and prostate cancer and other cancers in men. The acid-alkaline balance (pH) of tissue fluid is controlled by minerals. All elements work together as a collective whole. If there is a shortage of just one mineral, the balance of the entire bodily activity can be thrown awry. A deficiency of one mineral may disrupt the entire chain of life, rendering other nutrients either useless or inefficient.

In the upcoming blogs are the minerals they have discovered & the influences on our health that these minerals have. In reading the indications of insufficiencies keep in mind your own health & just maybe this could be the reason behind what ails you!?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Importance of the Immune System!

In my opinion, your immune system is one of the most impt, if not THE most important system of your whole body! It helps your body fight off viruses, infections, disease & all sorts of illnesses. In my opinion, the key to optimal health is a top notch immune system. Most, if not all, disease starts in the gut because a large portion of cells from the immune system is found in the digestive tract. Even if you try to eat the best you can, the nutrition is not what it used to be in our foods. The more raw veggies you can eat, the better off you are and I always do a wash on all mine and we juice veggies about every other day, too expensive to do it every day and I think that’s sad. Other foods or spices that help along the immunity system lines are shiitake & reishi mushrooms, turmeric, onions, lemon, garlic, ginger. It takes time to build up the immune system to where you don’t get colds, flu, sinus issues and things like that. But cut down on sugar too, it affects the immune system in more ways than one could ever imagine. There’s been a lot of talk about probiotics and I never gave much thought about them until I had to go on a round of anti-biotics myself. I bought some & started taking them, along with doing some research on fermented foods, good bacteria and stuff like that & if you stop & think about it a lot of the meat we get has antibiotics in it, so we are getting them without realizing it. You’ve got to have lots of the good bacteria to help move things along & fight disease in your gut. Over 80% of your immune system cells are located in your stomach...so, it should start there!

I can’t stress enough how important vit. C is to our total health. But for this topic, I’m just gonna tell you that as soon as u start feeling bad or run down, etc. take some vit. C. you can take up to 6,000 mg/day when you are sick. Vit. C is water soluble and whatever your body don’t use, it will get rid of it because it is water soluble, so you need to replenish it every day. But be aware that alot of Vit. C comes from gmo's, if you can get rose hips, they are one of top sources for Vit. C!!! Bee pollen is one of the top super foods and has an antimicrobial effect on the body. It also helps people with allergies & helps to strenghthen the immune system as does honey & it’s best to obtain the pollen or honey from a local source, as this increases its antiallergenic properties. But if you can’t get it locally, it’s still better than not having any at all. If you get honey, make sure it’s raw, any type of heating on the honey destroys the health giving benefits. So you got bee pollen, vit. C, honey & foods & probiotics so far.

Herbal immune system builders not only help your body to ward off illness, but they can also teach it how to operate better. The best known one of course is Echinacea and it has been called the king of immune herbs. It helps the body by increasing the activity of 3 of the immune system’s workhorses…T-cells, interferon (a protein produced by virus infected cells that inhibits reproduction of the virus) and natural killer cells which are…the white blood cells. It even makes the cells stronger & more resistant to invasion. Our t-cells make a memory when they fight off things naturally. Drugs shut 'off' the immune system's ability to know what went wrong & how to defend itself the next time. Thing is about Echinacea is that it works best as a preventative…but it’s not the best herb to take for long term use. If you’ve taken Echinacea for a week or so and there’s no difference, then it’s probably not the right herb for you.

In Chinese medicine we have astragalus and it’s is used to promote healing. Licorice is another great one. The tincture is effective against candida & several types of bacteria, including staph. A compound in it increases interferon production. Another Chinese immune herb is bupleurum, the main ingredient in it helps to improve immunity system activity. Chinese skullcap stops the development of certain viruses & makes uninfected cells more resistant to invasion. Siberian ginseng has become very popular too and it’s an adaptogen which helps the body adapt in ways of building the immune system & counter the effects of stress….which we all know can lead to illness. The ayurvedic herb ashwagandha is also an adaptogen and immunity enhancer. Then there is the Chinese herb shizandra, it’s very popular in many herbal blends. The Peruvian rain forest herb cat’s claw is great for the immune system and it helps to fight off infections & degenerative diseases. Cat’s claw also contains a certain alkaloid that enhances the immune system’s capacity to engulf & destroy pathogens. it’s been shown to heal an array of other things as well, it increases the amount of disease-fighting immune cells in the blood. Goldenseal is a very strong immune system helper, but it gained such popularity so quickly that it was over harvested almost to extinction, everybody wanted the roots which is usually where the strongest medicine of any plant is located. It’s made a comeback, but it’s not one of those you should take regularly to keep that immune system up there…I believe it’s 7 days on, then 7 days off. It’s also very bitter, so it will help with digestion too, but it tastes really bad. Goldenseal is a mucous membrane restorative tonic and a topical antimicrobial. Though it does kill bacteria very effectively, it is very poorly absorbed into the blood stream and does not act as an "herbal antibiotic" as it is said to. It can be used to stimulate sluggish metabolism/liver function. Goldenseal & Echinacea should not taken together to help fight any type of cold or infection. They will fight against each other instead of each of them doing their own job. The more information we find out about goldenseal, the more we realize it’s not the go to herb to help fight ALL types of illnesses. Then there’s the infamous essiac that we’ve discussed before…it’s one of the top immune system builders around & has been for many many years!!

Elderberry is a berry & can be used specifically for viral infections and the flu. Elderberry inhibits the ability of a virus to break out and make copies of itself. Though viruses mutate year after year, the mechanism that they use to break into our cells often remains the same, and so elderberry does not lose its efficiency because of viral mutation. It stimulates white blood cell production which is similar to Echinacea and it’s rich in bio-flavinoids & provides excellent antioxidant activity, which helps to reduce tissue inflammation. I’m sure you’ve heard or seen the elderberry syrup…it works well from what I understand, I’ve never made it or taken it. But if you make or buy the syrup make sure if it has honey it, don’t give it to a child under 2 yrs old.

I got asked about andographs and in doing some research on it, I found it’s commonly used in china & India and they use the leaves & fresh juice of the whole plant. In traditional Chinese medicine, it’s used to support digestive & cardiovascular health & the urinary systems. But in Sweden…and them folks got it going on with the herbs & such I’m telling ya…it’s been used for more than 10 yrs as the primary herb for the winter season for immune support.

Now I didn’t know about this about st. john’s wort before I started this research, so I’m kinda excited to be able to share this information. I knew St. John’s Wort had a reputation to help with depression, but I didn’t know that it is a powerful herb for use on the nervous system tissues and injuries. When injuries to the nerves are involved, it is often among the most beneficial and broadly acting herbs available. It is appropriate for conditions ranging from sciatica to atrophy of nerve tissue, and also often relieves the pain of sore muscles. But it’s also antimicrobial and can be effective topically against some strains of bacteria, including staph. It has been used on sunburns & radiation burns. It‘s useful for nerve pain, which is characterized by numbness/tingling and shooting or searing pain. It can also help sciatica and inflammation of nerve tissue, some skin infections & sore, tender, injured, overexerted muscles or joints. The frontline in the body’s defense system is the lymph glands, they filter out foreign materials, especially bacteria and they collect toxins, so if you have had an infection you have probably felt them all swelled up from time to time. They also work to stop cancer cells from spreading, but when they do, they become vulnerable to cancer themselves, kind of a catch 22 thing. They depend on you moving around & getting regular exercise to help them with their drainage and massages are great for lymphatic drainage. Of all the herbs to help with the lymph drainage, cleavers, goldenseal, mullein & Echinacea are some with the best reputation. Others include red clover, prickly ash, and lemon peel. The lymph herbs are safe to give to children who are plagued by constant ear infections too.

There’s so many different ways to help build up your immune system, some of them are rather tasty, others…well….not so tasty, but for your body to run at it’s peak performance it is necessary to make sure you re-enforce & build up that immune system and with foods, climate and so many different things starting to take that downward spiral, it’s vital that one makes that a priority, in my opinion anyway.


Probiotics are healthy bacteria, also known as flora or microorganisms that live inside our digestive tract. The role of healthy bacteria is to boost the immune system by maintaining a good balance of the right type of bacteria in the body. These little helpers kill off bad bacteria which is harmful to us. There are several different strains of flora in our digestive tract, and each strain has a specific role within the body. Acidophilus is a well-known strain of bacteria that helps to improve microbial balance.

          Foods That Contain Probiotics
  • They are many nutritious foods that contain generous portions of probiotics. You may already be eating some of these foods as part of your diet. Foods that contain high levels of probiotics are yogurt, raw milk, raw goat's milk, and raw cheese. In addition, you will also find many healthy treats and snack bars at your health food store with probiotics added as the main ingredient.
  • Some strains of flora reduce inflammation in the body. Taking antibiotics actually lowers our immune response because the drug kills both the good and the bad bacteria. It is important to take probiotic supplements right after taking antibiotics, in addition to avoiding antibiotics as often as possible. A good probiotic supplement actually contains ten or more different strains of flora in excess of over 10 billion.
  • It is very difficult to overdose on probiotics. The conditions within your digestive tract need to be just right in order for probiotics to flourish. Many of these microorganisms are actually killed off so it is important to take doses in the billions with the hope that at least half will survive. You can take supplements containing up to 30 billion total flora per day without causing harm to your body. There are also about 400-500 different strains or flora. A good probiotic supplement contains 10 or more strains of beneficial bacteria. Some of the most common strains you will see on labels are: Bifidobacterium longum, acidophilus, lactobacillus lactis, lactobacillus reuteri, streptococcus thermophilus, lactobacillus casei, lactobacillus rhamnosus and bifidobacterium infantis.
  • Some people may experience mild diarrhea or stomach discomfort as their body adjusts to high doses of probiotics. However, you really want as many of these good bugs to survive as possible. In order to increase survivability you may need to do a few things first such as, eating raw vegetables, drinking plenty of pure water every day and doing a colon/parasite cleanse. A colon cleanse involves taking herbal supplements and fiber for one week or longer to cleanse the colon of excess mucous and fecal matter.
  • If you suffer from IBS, also known as irritable bowel syndrome or any other type of digestive disorder, talk to your doctor before taking extremely high doses of probiotics and colon cleansing. You may need to proceed with cleansing more slowly that what is recommended on the label. For instance, if the dosage is two herbal capsules three times daily, you may need to adjust the dosage to one herbal capsule three times daily. Keep in mind that many doctors who practice mainstream medicine are not educated in nutrition or alternative medicine. You can always talk to your doctor, but you may also want to seek the advice of a Naturopathic doctor or another alternative health care provider as well.