I have been seeing a lot of info on this awesome essential oil, so I thought I would put everything I have read together in one post for people to read & digest!!!
Thyme essential oil is produced with the leaves & flowers of the plant. It is a member of the mint family and has been used as a medicinal herb since ancient times. It's one of the strongest antioxidants known and there are more than 300 different varieties!! One of the most popular varieties is Thymus vulgaris. Remember to check the Latin to make sure you get the one you want. Do NOT use if you are pregnant or are allergic to thyme.
Thyme essential oil can increase circulation, boosts the immune system, protect heart health & so helps in regulating blood pressure, it's also helpful in removing toxins from the body as it increases urination.
It's an anti-spasmodic, so it can help with coughs, cramps and aches due to spasms. Thyme is an anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, vermifuge, stimulant, expectorant, carminative, stimulant & an all over tonic.
It's also a bechic, which is a new one for me so of course I checked it out and it actually means: pertaining to or relieving a cough. So it can help to cure infections in the chest, lungs & bronchi.
It's become one of the best essential oils to help balance hormones as it increase progesterone levels in the body. It can delay menopause. It can be beneficial for irregular periods. Also helps with mood swings.
Thyme is good as a bug repellant & treats bites and stings. It helps with stress, anxiety, anemia, low energy, arthritis, gout, headaches and more.
Wow sounds like this little essential oil can just about do it all huh??? It's definitely on my 'to get' list just to see what all I can use it for!!