Welcome to my blog!!! I have been an herbalist & an aromatherapist for over 20 years!! My blog is over 10 years old & there are over 150 informative blogs. Not only do I have hopes of teaching the masses, I too, have learned a lot during my research on different topics! There's always new & updated information in the herbal & essential oil worlds. There are blogs on herbs, essential oils, nutrition, supplements, different modalities of healing and just a little bit of everything!! Maybe in reading my blogs, just one person will come away with a bit of knowledge that they might be able to help themselves or another human being, I would consider that to be a great blessing.....

Over the years I have had several businesses. It seems I can't get away from seeing if a certain herb or essential oil can help a fellow human and that's usually how it starts. I am now in Arizona and I was asked again if I would be interested in starting another herbal business!! We now have Herbs 4 Health!! Providing numerous herbs....herbal blends....single essential oils...essential oil blends....minerals....tinctures all to help the body to heal itself.

The information in these blogs is not meant in any way shape or form to plagiarize, for I have never said this is all MY work. It is a compilation of reputable informative websites, my 'go to' books I have always depended upon & my own knowledge. I gather & put together information to help people learn & this way they can come back here to help remind themselves of said information instead of 'where oh where' did I find that on the world wide web. Seems to me it's just better & easier.

DISCLAIMER: All the information in these blogs do not diagnose, treat or heal any type illness or disease.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Best Oils For The Body...(opinion)

DISCLAIMER….All information given here is strictly for entertainment purposes. It is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose any type of disease.

I so hope y’all aren’t using corn oil, palm oil, soy or soya oil, canola which is also known as rapeseed oil…those are so bad for your health as most are derived from gmo plants. Any packaged snack that is cooked in cottonseed oil is from a gmo as well because cotton is a gmo. Margerine is ONE molecule away from plastic…just ewwww!!! Now sunflower & safflower are good for the outsides like we discussed last week, but ummm not so good for the insides…tooo high in the bad fats & can cause inflammation along w/ the others I mentioned. So I’ve got a list here of several that I consider to be the best…. Although to be honest, when I fry fish or some such, I do use peanut oil, otherwise, I use coconut, olive or real butter. Make sure when you purchase these oils they are cold pressed & try to get organic if possible…tho I’ve read some horrid stories about supposed organic foods…not sure I trust it as much as they would like for you too. The cold-pressed & organic are clues so that you know hexane, (which is a solvent made from crude oil used in the process of some of the ’healthy’ oils,) was not used in producing the oil you are planning on eating.

OLIVE OIL….is a cure for over 60 diseases & is extremely healthy. According to religious beliefs, after the flood of Noah, the first plant seen was the olive tree. The olives, the olive oil and especially the olive leaves are full of nutrients, vitamins and healing. They contain anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-viral properties and many vitamins and nutrients.

The olive leaf itself is known for the treatment and curing of many diseases, including the much feared influenza virus. Olive leaf is good for fighting yeast infections, flu and virus, treating those with cardiovascular problems and lowering cholesterol.

The olive oil will alleviate muscle pains. Helps to eliminate inflammation too. You can warm the olive oil slightly and rub it on the pain. It is also a treatment for hemorrhoids, leprosy, pleurisy, skin diseases, dandruff, eczema, psoriasis, alopecia and fungal infections including ringworm, and it increases sexual desire.

Olive oil is great for the complexion as it makes it glow. When it is mixed with salt, the mixture can be used as a remedy for gum and teeth problems. Olive oil provides protection from poisons, helps in the digestions process, expels worms and makes the hair shiny and beautiful. Olive oil is also great for anti-aging and longevity.

Olive oil is a good treatment on boils, rashes, itching, mouth ulcers, allergic dermatitis, scars, boils and small pox. The olives them self, are used to rid the body of constipation and the leaves are smashed to rid excess perspiration. Ear aliments are alleviated by using the juice of the leaves mixed with honey. Olive oil used in the eyes will relieve inflammation.

Some doctors also recommend olive oil for the treatment of epilepsy. Olive oil is a good diuretic and therefore very good for the ridding of kidney stones. Olive oil will heal sinus problems and if mixed with barley water will rid the body of constipation.

It is stated, but not proven, that olive oil rids the body of gall bladder stones. It is good for intestinal inflammations and distress. Olive oil is also good for excess acidity and gas. It has been noted that people who take regular amounts of olive oil do not suffer from colds and the flu as much.

Buying cold pressed olive oil is not a simple matter. There are numerous grades of olive oils. It can be as difficult as choosing a fine wine. Many companies sell many oils, but choosing the right one at the right price is the task. Always look for a deep rich green color and it must be cold pressed. If you are going to cook with olive oil, you should use the virgin olive oil and not extra virgin olive oil. Virgin olive oil is pressed twice, but still needs to be cold pressed. The grades of oils depend on the country and the type of tree. All oils should be kept in a dark cool place and kept out of the sunlight. Olive oil only remains good for six months after opening the bottle or can.

FLAXSEED OIL …..the richest source of omega-3! Unrefined organic flaxseed oil that is. It contains around 55% Omega-3’s The American Dietetic Association lists flaxseed oil as the richest source of ALA (alpha linolenic acid), and ALA is a parent compound of Omega-3 fats.

Flaxseed is also known as linseed oil which is a flowering annual with blue flowers. It is versatile, being used in industrial and culinary contexts. The fibre from the outer part of the plant is used in textiles and rope. Highly valued for its oil and fiber, flaxseed has been linked to many health benefits.

Flaxseed can be purchased as oil, whole or ground seeds. Flaxseed oil has a nutty flavor and the oil should not be used for cooking as the nutritional value is lost but it’s usually used in dressings over salads, cooked vegetables, in dips & things like that. It should be stored in a colored bottle in the fridge to prevent oxidation.

There are two types of flaxseed: Brown and Golden. Golden is preferred for its nutty flavor, while the brown is used for linseed oil and paints. As for the seeds it is always best to grind the flaxseeds just before consumption, keeping the quality and flavour. The nutrients are absorbed easily from the flaxseeds when ground.

As well as being high in Omega-3, flaxseeds are an excellent source of dietary fiber, and manganese, and a good source of folate, vitamin B6, as well as the minerals magnesium, phosphorus, and copper. Another important nutrient contained in flaxseeds is lignan phytonutrients. The
flaxseed is densely packed with nutrition.

The Canadian Council of Flax lists the benefits of flaxseed for certain conditions, which include: arrhythmia, prostate cancer, blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, heart health & depression

In general, western diets contain around 10 times more Omega-6 than Omega-3. Medical bodies such as the National and Medical Research Council recommend increasing the amount of Omega-3 consumed so that there is an even balance with Omega-6. Omega-6 is derived from a range of vegetable oils including sunflower, safflower, sesame, peanut, as well as polyunsaturated margarines or spreads, dairy and fatty meats.

The body uses Omega-3 to make anti-inflammatory molecules which are effective against inflammatory conditions including arthritis, asthma, migraines and osteoporosis. On the other hand the body uses Omega-6 to produce pro-inflammatory molecules. We need both types of Omega as long as Omega-6 is balanced by Omega-3. Other research has found that a healthy heart benefits from a balance of the Omega oil.

Now this oil also contains lignans & lignan compounds, which may be found in other seeds and grains, are converted in the body into hormone-like molecules. These molecules have been found to provide some protection against breast cancer. Other benefits for women include: reduced dry eyes, hot flashes, help with ovulation and balancing the hormones. The lignans are recognized, too as antioxidants and are beneficial for viral, fungal and bacterial infections.

If you are taking medications (particularly those for blood thinning, diabetic and hormonal conditions) and wish to take flaxseed, it is advisable to discuss this with a qualified
health care practitioner. If you are taking dietary supplements, the recommendation is to take flaxseed at a different time so as not to affect absorption -- 1 hour before or 2 hours after. (taken from University of Maryland Medical Center)

The Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils are essential fatty acids which can only be obtained from food sources and cannot be synthesized. So it’s impt to get them from your foods!!!


Do you know that coconut water has the same electrolytic balance as the human blood?

Coconut oil is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-fungal & anti-viral & anti-parasitic. Helps improve bowel function & circulation. Helps with HIV!!! Lung disease, allergies, migraines, asthma, liver disease. Helps to regular blood pressure & helps with heart disease. Parasites, edema, gout, smoker’s cough, osteoporosis, migraines & kidney stones. And all that is just on the inside! 3 tbs/day

Since the 1960s, coconut oil has been unfairly labeled as "unhealthy". The media reported studies of how tropical coconut oils were laden with artery-clogging saturated fats. What was left out of these reports was the fact that the coconut oil used in the studies was not the virgin oil used for centuries, but rather hydrogenated coconut oil. We have since learned it's the hydrogenation -- artificially adding a hydrogen molecule to oil in order to make it shelf-stable -- that's the problem, not the coconut oil itself. Hydrogenated soy, corn, and canola oils -- loaded with dangerous trans-fats and processed with toxic hexane solvents -- are routinely added to packaged foods. Hydrogenation fattened corporate profits and American waistlines, and is now linked with trans-fats and associated heart disease. Baby formulas often include pure coconut oil as an ingredient because coconut is such a healthy super food. Virgin coconut oil is rich in the essential fatty acids, the "good fats" that doctors recommend and is cholesterol - and trans-fat-free.

One of the "good fats", which makes up about 50% of coconut oil, is lauric acid. Lauric acid is a rare medium-chain fatty acid found in mother's milk. It is now being shown to have anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial, health-protecting properties. Some researchers predict that lauric acid will one day become as well known in health circles as Omega-3 is today. It also contains caprylic acid which is an anti-fungal…which helps with candida & contains active ingredients to provide the brain w/ keotones to improve functions in alzheimers patients. As studies reveal the downsides of consuming too many Omega-6 vegetable oils with their saturated fatty acids, coconut oil is making a comeback. It is suggested consuming 3 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil per day.

The FDA started requiring the labeling of "trans fats" in 2006, and as a result, the entire fat category is undergoing a review of its traditions and assumptions. Hemp and coconut oil products deliver the nourishing "good fats", which can play a vital role in our health. Millions of Americans are questioning the outmoded assumptions regarding "zero fat is good", "tropical fats are bad", and "lots of vegetable oils are beneficial".

The traditional Pacific Islander diet included large quantities of coconut meat and oil, and those who still follow this diet have a low incidence of heart disease or weight issues. When a Western-style diet including vegetable oils replaces their traditional, all of the fat-related diseases common in the developed nations, such as coronary heart disease begins to appear, their immune systems get weaker and serum cholesterol levels go up.

Besides its nutritional value, pure coconut oil also makes a luscious and soothing massage and body oil for dry and/or damaged skin.

Here’s a good recipe for relieving allergies & boosting the immune system

3 tbs lemon juice

¼ cup raw honey

2 tbs coconut oil

Hemp seed oil, pressed from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant, has been named nature's perfect food due to its balanced concentrations of omega fatty acids. Hemp used to be consumed worldwide, as it was one of the first cultivated and consumed crops. There is a misconception that hemp contains THC, the principal psychoactive constituent of the cannabis plant. Needless to say, this is false. Although relativity new to the Western Hemisphere, hemp seed oil is now widely available in health-food stores.

The seed of the hemp plant contains some of the most balanced and richest sources of oils on the planet. The ideal 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is recommended by the World Health Organization for optimal utilization. The essential fatty acids in these oils are fundamental in restoring health and immune function. Hemp seed oil contains 80 percent essential fatty acids, the highest of any plant.

Be sure to get your daily EFAs

Hemp seed oil's exceptional concentrations of EFAs (essential fatty acids) are what make it so special. In concept, this oil could provide all of our EFA necessities for life. Essential fatty acids are the omega fats that cannot be produced by the body and must be ingested. They are known for their role in preventing heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, arthritis and much more.

The seven-time Nobel Prize nominee, Dr. Johana Budwig, a pioneer of EFA research, reported success in treating heart infraction, arthritis, cancer, and other common diseases with massive doses of EFAs.

Essential fatty acids are indispensable for the function and development of the brain and nervous system and the production of healthy cell membranes. They also supply hair and skin with necessary nutrients and aid in various other functions in the body.

Fish oil supplements are a great source of EFAs, particularly Omega 3s, which is why they have become so popular. However, for those who are vegetarian, they are not an option. There are also concerns that some sources of fish oil are contaminated with mercury and other toxins. Hemp seed oil, which contains Omega 3, 6, and 9, is a great alternative that will provide the same benefits as fish oil without the danger of ingesting toxins. Remember why that balance has to be there between the 3 & 6.

Hair, skin, and nails are all formed from the same line of dermal cells, so it is no surprise that people who use
hemp oil report thicker and shinier hair, softer skin, and stronger nails. Since hemp seed oil is nearly identical to our own lipids, it is capable of penetrating our cells and lubricating the surfaces between them. It is used to nourish not only dry skin but blotches and lesions as well. It can detoxify the skin and even out skin tone. You can safely use hemp oil as a skin moisturizer without worry of it clogging the pores.

Of the many possible uses of hemp oil as a direct treatment, its efficacy at treating eczema is one of the most promising. Researchers, led by Dr. J. Callaway at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Clinical Nutrition at the University of Kuopio, Finland, studied the benefits of
hemp seed oil on patients with atopic dermatitis (eczema) and reported the following results: "We saw a remarkable reduction in dryness, itching and an overall improvement in symptoms."

Special properties of hemp oil:

-Only plant containing vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium absorption
-Contains vitamin E in advantageous amounts
-Relives premenstrual stress
-Has unequaled anti-inflammatory properties not found in other oils
-Is a natural sunblock

Hemp seed oil products are true superfoods that are brimming with greatness. When speaking of hemp seed oil Dr. Callaway also remarked, "I'd have to conclude that this is probably the healthiest oil on the market."

Best Oils For Our Skin....(opinion)

There are many different types of oils that can be applied to our skin to help heal, moisturize & some can be taken internally. The main ones for consumption, I’ll be addressing in my next post. Some of these oils I use in my products & some I used to use. Be fully aware tho that once the collagen has been lost in the skin, there is virtually no healthy way to replenish it. Collagen is that substance that gives skin the youthful appearance. Dry, wrinkly, sagging skin has lost it’s collagen. Many of these oils you don’t want to use without diluting them first as they might be too strong for your skin. I would NOT use corn, soy, rapeseed which is canola or palm oils on my skin. Or any type of derevitives of such oils!!! Most are gmo’s and the high demand for palm oil has led to the destruction of forest areas….sad to say!!

Almond oil or sweet almond oil…..rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 & E. great for all skin types, relieves itching, dryness, inflammation & burns. I use this as a base oil in quite a few of my products.

Apricot kernel….contains minerals, vitamins & rich in GLA which is gamma linolenic acid, an Omega-6 fat that possesses an impressive set of disease fighting powers. It’s great for all skin types -- prematurely aged, sensitive & inflamed skin.

Avocado oil….a lot of times it’s referred to avocado pear oil even tho it does come from the seed & sometimes the flesh of the avocado! This oil is loaded with vitamins A, B1 & B2, Vit. D & E, proteins, lecithin & fatty acids. Avacado oil will penetrate all the upper layers of the skin & is beneficial for dry, dehydrated skin, can help to heal eczema & psoriasis too & it improves elastin! This oil & the apricot kernal oil are used in my herbal bath/body oils!!

Black currant oil is very high in GLA & can be used internally as a substitute for epo or evening primrose oil.

Borage seed oil is loaded with GLA, vitamins & minerals too, matter of fact, it’s the highest source of gla! Great for psoriasis, eczema, prematurely aged skin & helps to regenerate the skin.

Carrot oil…now some mention this as a ‘carrier’ type of oil like some of the others I have just mentioned, but in all actuality, it’s an essential oil, pricey, but great for aged skin!!!

Castor oil…now our grandmothers used this oil for a very different reason than we are using it today. It is said this oil dissolves cysts, growths, warts, softens corns, prevents scars. Helps with dry, chapped skin, strengthens & conditions hair. You can make castor oil packs to help ease pain. But avoid during pregnancy. I don’t know if it does all they say it does, never used it.

Coconut oil -- now this oil is great for our insides as well as our skin!! And this is another one I’ll go into more detail about later…but this oil is great for dry, itchy, sensitive skin. Cold virgin pressed is the best type to get. I like to mix it with other oils, cuz coconut oil can be a bit greasy & personally, I don’t like that.

Cod liver oil….very high in EFA (essential fatty acids) & omega 3’s! It’s known for it’s anti-inflammatory properties & a lubricant for aching joints. Internally, it can help reduce the risk of heart disease & certain forms of cancer. It can aid in helping with asthma, eczema, psoriasis in taking 1000mg/2x/day.

EPO or evening primrose oil….high in GLA & vitamins & minerals. It is said this oil helps with menopause issues & psoriasis & eczema too as well as premature aging prevention. It has also been noted it could help with heart disease & MS. It also has a reputation of helping with breast cysts as well.

Grapeseed oil contains a lot of vitamins, minerals & proteins. It’s considered good for all skin types & penetrates well, although it does not have a very long shelf life.

Hazelnut oil…this oil contains vitamins, minerals, oleic acid & linoleic acid. It tends to have an astringent toning action, but absorbs into the skin quickly. Good for acne prone skin.

Jojoba oil comes from the bean of the plant…this is one of my very favorite oils…or rather it’s almost a wax. It contains proteins, minerals, saturated fatty acid & the plant wax. It is the only oil known that mimics our skin sebum! It helps with eczema, psoriasis, hair care, all skin types…if you use too much or tend to have oily skin, it may clog the pores, so you could add another good oil to it to if you wished. I use it nightly around my eyes…for the skin around your eyes have no pores..so be gentle with that area.

Olive oil…now we are all familiar with this wonderful oil. It can be cooked with or used on our skin. Virgin cold pressed is best! It’s loaded with vitamins, proteins & minerals. It’s very soothing on the skin & commonly used for nail care & hair care.

Rose hip seed oil….loaded with many of the EFAs. It’s great for dry, scaly, aging, dull skin. Helps with eczema, psoriasis, scars, burns & ulcers. Those with acne prone skin or oily skin should avoid it tho.

Safflower oil…another one that is loaded with proteins, minerals and vitamins & is high in linoleum acids. Internally, it can help with bronchial asthma. Externally, it can help with all skin types. Bruises, sprains, painful inflamed joints or so the reports go.

Sesame oil….contains vit. E, minerals, proteins, lecithin & amino acids. It can help with psoriasis, eczema, rheumatism, arthritis, can be used as a tanning aid. Great for all skin types & it can be used fully as a base oil….in other words, don’t have to dilute it.

Sunflower oil has vitamins A, B, D & E, loaded with minerals, lecithin, insulin and high in unsaturated fatty acids. It’s been used to help with leg ulcers, skin diseases, bruises, diaper rash & it can help with cradle cap (apply the oil with a cotton ball). Apparently a healthy oil for use internally as well!!!

Wheat germ oil contains proteins, minerals, lecithin & vit. E, A & D! It’s great for eczema, psoriasis, premature aging, stretch-marks as an additive to other oils. Although a big drawback on this oil, which is why I don’t use it anymore, is the fact it doesn’t have a very long shelf life, so it goes rancid quickly.

In my experience I’ve found that jojoba oil has the longest shelf life of all the oils. It is also one of the most expensive!!! It’s beautiful golden color will tell you if you have a good quality oil or not. Wheat germ, olive & grapeseed go rancid the quickest. Coconut oil lasts a very long time too, but will get soft and or melt when reaching temps of 75 degrees or higher & that’s ok too!!! Cuz liquid or solid, it’s a very healthy oil to use on the outside as well as the inside!!









Monday, May 20, 2013

Tumeric...Amazing Health Benefits!!!!

Tumeric is one of those foods that have an incredible array of health benefits that go well beyond just their nutrient value are considered `super-foods. Turmeric is an spice that is native to Southeast Asia and a true super-food shown to have remarkable healing and anti-inflammatory properties that are just now being discovered. You have heard of super-foods & it seems that there are more & more all the time, but how is a superfood defined? The Oxford English Dictionary 
sez a superfood in the general sense is a type of food considered especialy nutritious or otherwise beneficial to health and well-being. Others have stated that it’s no more than a marketing ploy. With that being said….

Cellular inflammation is a common day epidemic that is it is the fundamental cause of degenerative disease in our society. Turmeric has been shown to reduce inflammation & oxidative stress as well as any herbal medicinal ever studied. I’ve talked before about how inflammation can cause disease.

Turmeric root is extraordinarily rich in curcuminoid polyphenol anti-oxidants that give it a classic yellow-orange color. They used to use tumeric to dye things with. Everything this beautiful root touches turns yellow!!!! This curcumin is the main component which is responsible for much of the health benefits attributed to turmeric.

Blood sugar imbalances and insulin resistant cell membranes are critical factors that promote inflammatory conditions in the body. Curcumin has been shown to stabilize blood sugar and reverse cellular insulin resistance, which is…..type II diabetes.

Curcumin also acts on the liver to decrease the activity of enzymes that release sugar into the blood while increasing activity of enzymes that store sugar, so the liver is partially responsible for diabetes as well. Because of this, the curcumin has been shown to significantly reduce blood glucose and triglyceride levels in diabetic rats.

When blood sugar imbalances occur without sufficient regulation, glucose cross-links are formed with functional proteins. These new molecules are called Advanced Glycolytic Enzymes (AGE`S) that damage cell membranes, vital enzyme systems, and perpetuate inflammatory conditions in the body. Curcumin has been shown to inhibit the formation of these dangerous substances and turn off the inflammatory fires.

Turmeric is one of the main ingredients in many curries. In India, it has been used for centuries to help treat various health conditions while, at the same time, it is also widely used in Chinese Medicine. In a recent study conducted at Michigan University, it was found that curcumin, which is the bright yellow pigment present in turmeric, can help boost cell health by improving the behavior of their membranes which can contribute to the cell’s resistance to infection & malignancy. "The cell membrane goes from being crazy and floppy to being more disciplined and ordered, so that information flow through the cell be controlled," wrote a study leader Professor Ramamoorthy in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. So basically…tumeric works & heals at the cellular level. How awesome is that!!???

Turmeric is the 4th highest anti-oxidant rich herb or spice. The anti-oxidants such as curcumin are very beneficial to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the total burden placed on organs in your body by the constant production of free radicals in the normal course of metabolism plus whatever other pressures your environment has on you (natural and artificial radiation, toxins in air, food and water and miscellaneous sources of oxidizing activity, such as tobacco smoke).

Turmeric also boosts levels of natural cellular anti-oxidants which we all have in our bodies. These molecules are critical for the body to limit oxidative stress all day long. The greater the surplus of cellular anti-oxidants the less stress and damage occurs to vital organ systems.

Breaking down all the technical terminology turmeric`s powerful curcuminoids basically have been shown to pull the body out of an inflammatory state and promotes anti-inflammatory behavior and it does all this AT the cellular level which is phenomenal. So tumeric can inhibit oxidative stress, helps with anti-aging, has been shown to reverse diabetes & and improve blood vessel elasticity. This stabilizes blood pressure and improves cardiovascular function. Additionally, by helping to prevent inflammation, it is a powerful pain inhibitor and cancer cell inhibitor. Turmeric improves blood flow and reduces brain inflammation, thus making you cognitively sharper while protecting against Dementia, Alzheimer`s, Parkinson`s and every other neurodegenerative disorder and studies have shown that it could stop the progession as well. It has been shown to speed up wound healing from cuts & burns while reducing inflammatory skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema.

Tumeric w/ blk pepper may prevent breast cancer. Tumeric mixed with cumin is awesome on chicken!!!! That's first hand experience!

Turmeric shows promise as an antifungal for candida as well as many other fungal infections. According to the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, turmeric may be useful in inhibiting the Candida infection. Research at the Linus Pauling Institute also points to turmeric's curative value in treating colorectal cancers.

Turmeric has many uses in folk medicine. It is used in cosmetics and drugs, as well as in cooking. It can by used as a sunscreen or a pesticide. Used commonly in Ayurvedic Medicine for digestive disorders, it is also used externally for ulcers, wounds, and skin conditions such as scabies and eczema.

Other Anti-viral and Anti-fungal Uses of Turmeric include treatment of boils, staph infections, and the hard-to-treat MRSA virus.

Tumeric also contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. More specifically, it is a good source of vitamin C and potassium.

Turmeric is said to help boost appetite, lower blood pressure, improve bile secretion and reduce pain.

Under the Ayurvedic system of healing, turmeric has been prescribed to treat a variety of ailments, including digestive issues, menstrual problems, arthritis, infections, jaundice, coughs and rheumatic pains. It is also used to cleanse the body. In Chinese medicine, turmeric is used to deal with liver and gallbladder issues. Helps to protect against stomach ulcers, it’s a strong antioxidant which helps to protect cell DNA from damage. In fact, laboratory studies conducted on animals have shown curcumin to be poisonous to tumor cells.

So with all that goodness out of that spice, why wouldn’t you want to add it to your daily regiment??? It’s some dynamite stuff eh????